Sunday, January 4, 2009

Masahista Finder Online

A lot of people have asked me about my articles about massage parlors here in Davao. Now, I'm not exactly the best person to talk about them. While I have definitely something to share about them, I still have some reserve recommending the where and the who especially when the topic veers into the extra part. Again, I have nothing against the "services" but it's just that I'm filled with some kind of self-reproach after I'm done with it. (I suppose this could become a good conversation piece about my sexual repression, my Catholic upbringing, my wishy-washiness or some other personal existential-bullshit but I won't be the first one to broach it.) Point is when I'm telling these is that it happened, I'm just sharing and that's that.

Anyway, while I was busy making our QA station posters and some tarp for the Retention team, my dear friend Avs referred me to an interesting multiply page. Supposedly, this site is the online presence of a small outfit that offers home service massages in Manila, Cebu, Zamboanga and here in Davao. I say interesting because they do pique my interest, especially since their description tells me their masseurs are highly-trained, young, gay-friendly and accommodating. Now, what do they exactly mean with that? Aren't they supposed to be naturally friendly? And they even recommended, "rejuvenate every inch of your body." That sounds perfect but is that even possible and more importantly legal? AH, but there's no really no sense in asking these and wondering what happens behind closed doors with these services. I haven't tried these and I don't think I'll ever but oh well, again, JUST SHARING:

Masahista Finder - Online Massage Service Directory in the Philippines
Multiply mirror here (look here to really see who's available)

And if you can't wait to browse their site, call at local hotlines:
Davao - 082 303-5481 and Cebu - 02 516-3724

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi! there is a new update about masahistafinder. they actually make it more than massage service they will give you more therapist as they make there website as search portal for massage. Awesome right! more therapist to choose. they add therapist every region in the country per week. check this out guys.
i quite like the website as it more looking better than before. it looks slow to run. just a share of thought guys.